TL;DR: About Flower Child

The Flower Children is my name for the generation between Boomers and Gen X. Long hidden and never properly named, my generation is ready to provide our unique perspective — at least, I am!

I feel fortunate to write a lot in my day job as a clean-energy communications consultant. This newsletter expands my writing to other areas of interest: community, nature, human and animal behavior — and a few topics you might not expect. I love making connections among all kinds of things, with a focus on healing the Earth and all its inhabitants.

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More in-depth: What’s behind this newsletter

As a Flower Child, my name for the generation between Baby Boomers and Gen X, at an early age I internalized the values and zeitgeist of the 1960s, a powerful time of social change when enlightenment and hope were in the air. That persistent call has influenced my career, from working on books that were good for people and planet at HarperSanFrancisco to my current clean-energy communications consulting. 

But until more recently, I wasn’t heeding another deep inner call: to write. Although I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was nine or ten, I always thought that meant writing fiction. Yet I never managed to write more than a few short stories and poems in college classes. Much later in life, I realized that I’m just not a fiction writer; I may not even be a creative nonfiction writer. I’m drawn to writing essays. My discovery of blogging in 2010 was a revelation: I’d found my format. 

Since starting my initial sporadic blog about project management and sustainability back in 2010, I’ve been lucky to weave writing into my clean-energy work. But with this Substack newsletter, I get to write regularly for a growing audience while also satisfying my need to cover multiple (but often related) topics. 

As an idealistic Flower Child, I’m drawn to exploring the awe and wonder of life and how everything is connected; as a practical Flower Child, I’m drawn to exploring the marvels and mishaps of the culture we humans have created; as a former editor, I’m drawn to exploring the mechanics of writing and have strong opinions about commas and semicolons. 

We Flower Children, the real hidden generation, haven’t always been heard. I have a lot to say, and I’m best at saying it in writing. Thanks for reading — and giving me a voice!

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Reflections from a Flower Child (generation between Boomers and X) on culture, climate, and whatever else strikes my fancy.


I write about clean energy for my day job, everything else on evenings and weekends. Semicolon lover; will fight for the Oxford comma. INFP, Rebel (Four Tendencies), 9 (Enneagram).