Even when a loved one has lived a long and full life, and is ready to go, the loss can still come as a shock and feel unexpected. Death is just not something we’re used to thinking about, much less be prepared to know how to mourn when it happens. Writing is a way to begin to explore what you’re feeling at least.

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I know someone who does "death cafes" where people talk about — you guessed it, death! I might check that out someday. When I have some time.

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We have to go on after somebody we love dies-Overtime, The acute experience of loss diminishes, But it never goes away. Discussions like this uncover The loss again-and for the moment becomes alive And acute-and reminds us that loss is a part of life.

Even though It receeds From consciousness, So that we may live, it lingers in our bloodstream.)

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You didn’t mention how you used to put the dead butterflies in cotton backed frames… 🤣

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Gee thanks for outing me, Valerie! 🤣 Even worse than shaking their trees.

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What are sisters for?

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Huge hugs to you. Sitting Shiva really makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

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Yes it does! We need to be sitting Shiva for our country right now ... although, maybe it would say, "I'm not dead yet!"

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So sorry for your loss, Rosana. My mother has been gone for seven years, and I still don’t really understand a world without her in it. And the mourning never really goes away. It changes, it morphs. And it can still slam down on my head unexpectedly, like a piano falling from a great height. Like the other night when I watched the Nick Offerman episode of “The Last of Us” on HBO. But mostly I’m just so grateful for all she gave to me and everyone she knew. I write about her because it is my small way of making sure she lives on in our memories. Much love to you.

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Thank you, Adam! I feel the same way about my best friend who died when we were 38, 25 years ago. ❤️

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