Thanks for mentioning Davis!

Yeah, it feels so insane to watch our state burning down while the orange one busies himself blaming and namecalling. Oy!

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Thanks for reading! And hey, if you click on the link to the LA Times article near the end, and scroll way down that one, you will see mention of "misinformation" vs "disinformation" — showing that Sammy Roth really knows his stuff!

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When will we learn? When we out-think the box that we are all in, or rather, when enough of us collectively understand that the box we believed we all needed to be in is the same box that imprisons our potential.

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Heavy, man!

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Here in MN, we also have cold temperatures, which limit EV range. Our next car will be a plug-in hybrid.

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Yes, even here in California we notice quite a difference in range between summer and winter. Range issues are being addressed, but alas, a lot of the innovation is happening in China rather than here.

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